Did you know?
We'll be posting helpful hints and tutorials here weekly.
We'll be posting helpful hints and tutorials here weekly.
Event Check-In
Did you know that checking people into your events is a great way to trach attendance and communicate with attendees post event?
Ministry Roles & Groups
Did you know that you can create roles and groups in your ministry to help organize all the people that serve? You can set them up by role (Adult Leader, Student Leader, etc.) or by group (9:00am service leaders, 11am service leaders)
...more Did You Know?
Did you know you can create a private event for a volunteer gathering
When creating an event, in the settings, you have the option to make the event private. That means the only way you can view that event is if you have the link. This is a great option if you are wanting to hold a training or gathering for your volunteers and don’t want the event to show on the app or website. People can still register, so you can plan your event accordingly.